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作者:Luke D.11年级
At the risk of sounding a bit depressing, let's face it, our world can be messed up. 想想看:冲突和战争, 不平等和贫穷, 环境污染, 歧视, 腐败, 不公正和侵犯人权, 举几个例子. 但为什么人类会导致这些结果呢? Is it insatiable greed for power some leaders have, or is it our innate fear of weakness and failure? Either way, our world has a void, a void that will destroy us if it is not filled.
但希望并未泯灭, 虽然这听起来很老套, one realistic way to fill this void is by showing kindness and compassion to others. I’m not saying that doing something nice for a person will end all conflict in the world, but the impact that it has on a smaller scale can lead to larger-scale progress.
以ManBet手机客户端这样的学校环境为例. I’m sure we can all agree that constantly striving for your best in academics while doing the same in sports can be mentally and physically exhausting. As a result, some people may feel depressed and anxious, emotions that do not go well together. Trying to deal with all these negative emotions on your own is not an easy task, 它甚至可能导致未来更大的压力. This is why we constantly need to be checking in with people and lending a helping hand. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own routines and own worries that we just do not recognize when people around us are hurting, 但当我们注意到某人在生活中遇到困难时, 你要做的最重要的事情就是行动.  
你看,同情常常与同情混淆. 而同情意味着你能理解一个人的感受, compassion is the absolute willingness to do something to relieve the suffering of another. 虽然两者都有各自积极的一面, demonstrating compassion can have more of a lasting impact on someone’s life than sympathizing with them. 为了展示这种影响,我将与你分享一个作者的小故事 约翰W. Schlatter:
A young man named Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed that a boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, 还有两件毛衣, 棒球棒, 一个手套, 还有一个小录音机.
马克跪了下来,帮男孩捡起散落的东西. Since they were going the same way, he helped the boy carry part of the burden. 他们走着走着,他发现那个男孩的名字叫比尔. 他喜欢电子游戏, 棒球和历史, 他在其他科目上遇到了很多麻烦.
They arrived at Bill’s home first, and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and shared small talk; then Mark went home.
They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together, then graduated from junior high. They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years. 最后, 期待已久的高三来临了, 还有三周就要毕业了, 比尔问马克他们能不能谈谈.
比尔使马克想起了多年前他们初次见面的那一天. “你有没有想过,那天我为什么要带那么多东西回家??比尔问. “You see, I cleaned out my locker because I was going home to take my own life.”
Bill told Mark that he realized that he didn’t want to die after spending time together talking and laughing. “I would have missed that time with you and many other good times in my life that followed. Mark, I am trying to say that you did a lot more when you picked up those books that day. 你救了我的命.”
我知道这并不像听起来那么容易, 但是向别人伸出援助之手会对他们产生持久的影响, 你甚至可以挽救一个人的生命. Don’t just look at someone having a bad day and show sympathy; exhibit compassion and fill the void in our world, 因为有一天, 你可能需要同样的东西. And who knows, if we all show a little bit of compassion, maybe we can change the world.
